Don't Settle for Lesser Charges
After re-reading Officer Donelson's response on Friday, I got interested in this part:
This crime is listed as "Battery with Serious Bodily Injury", a very serious felony crime, which the facts of this case clearly support. The Department is confident that we will be able to identify these individuals and bring them to justice. Additionally, this crime will be featured on Crime Stoppers. If anyone has any additional information regarding this case, please e-mail me directly and I will forward it to the investigators working this case.
I googled "Battery with Serious Bodily Injury" and result #31 was Charlie Sheen. He actually faced this charge in CA and plead no contest to get probation. If one of tonight's Emmy Nominees faced that charge and plead no contest and is still out there, then I don't want to let the San Diego Police Department think they can "settle" on this charge. Charges related to Hate Crimes are more serious than "Battery with Serious Bodily Injury."
I really believe that we have a strong case that this is a Hate Crime and needs to be looked into. Our case only seems to get stronger by the fact that Officer Donelson is not educated about the Deaf community and he has constantly avoided the issue of this being a possible Hate Crime.
There are some Deaf people out there that question the validity of this arguement but as Ridor said in his blog...
"Some readers paged and emailed me to question whether if it is hate crime or gang-related crime. Actually, that is the WHOLE point. We lack the means to know the accurate information because the San Diego Police Department is not doing enough to provide so that we can say whether if it is a hate crime or gang-related crime.
The goal is to pressure the city council and the police department in order to gather more information for everyone to determine what really happened. Right now, Pepe Cervantes and I, along with many others, reserve the right to speculate."
Ridor is exactly right. Until the Police Department starts cooperating shows us enough evidence to refute their original statements in the newspaper article, this must be considered a possible hate crime. In other words, the put their own foot in their mouths by making the statements in the newspaper that showed intent for a hate crime, now if they want us to shut up, they need to get their feet out of their mouths and show us what their evidence is that this is solely a hate crime. Just saying it and ignoring their own original statements in the news isn't enough. Until then I hope those of you who still are reclutant to join us, at least send some emails asking for QUICKER ACTION to bringing these thugs to justice.
This crime is listed as "Battery with Serious Bodily Injury", a very serious felony crime, which the facts of this case clearly support. The Department is confident that we will be able to identify these individuals and bring them to justice. Additionally, this crime will be featured on Crime Stoppers. If anyone has any additional information regarding this case, please e-mail me directly and I will forward it to the investigators working this case.
I googled "Battery with Serious Bodily Injury" and result #31 was Charlie Sheen. He actually faced this charge in CA and plead no contest to get probation. If one of tonight's Emmy Nominees faced that charge and plead no contest and is still out there, then I don't want to let the San Diego Police Department think they can "settle" on this charge. Charges related to Hate Crimes are more serious than "Battery with Serious Bodily Injury."
I really believe that we have a strong case that this is a Hate Crime and needs to be looked into. Our case only seems to get stronger by the fact that Officer Donelson is not educated about the Deaf community and he has constantly avoided the issue of this being a possible Hate Crime.
There are some Deaf people out there that question the validity of this arguement but as Ridor said in his blog...
"Some readers paged and emailed me to question whether if it is hate crime or gang-related crime. Actually, that is the WHOLE point. We lack the means to know the accurate information because the San Diego Police Department is not doing enough to provide so that we can say whether if it is a hate crime or gang-related crime.
The goal is to pressure the city council and the police department in order to gather more information for everyone to determine what really happened. Right now, Pepe Cervantes and I, along with many others, reserve the right to speculate."
Ridor is exactly right. Until the Police Department starts cooperating shows us enough evidence to refute their original statements in the newspaper article, this must be considered a possible hate crime. In other words, the put their own foot in their mouths by making the statements in the newspaper that showed intent for a hate crime, now if they want us to shut up, they need to get their feet out of their mouths and show us what their evidence is that this is solely a hate crime. Just saying it and ignoring their own original statements in the news isn't enough. Until then I hope those of you who still are reclutant to join us, at least send some emails asking for QUICKER ACTION to bringing these thugs to justice.
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